
Themelios: Volume 24, No. 3, June 1999 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Themelios is an international evangelical theological journal that expounds and defends the historic Christian faith. Its primary audience is theological students and pastors, though scholars read it as well. It was formerly a print journal operated by RTSF/UCCF in the United Kingdom, and it became a digital journal operated by The Gospel Coalition in 2008. The new editorial team, led by D.A....

are condemned in the Bible in particular for their inordinate love, misplaced trust and forbidden service. A virtual synonym for ‘greed’, pleonexia, in a broad range of material is ‘lover of money’, filarguria.15 the thought of which is sometimes expressed in the form of an admonition (e.g., Heb. 13:5; ‘Keep free from the love of money’). Furthermore in the OT the rich are not ‘to set their heart’, the spiritual organ of love and devotion, on their riches (Ps. 62:10; cf. 2 Pet. 2:14). That such love
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